Meet Angela


Angela Thynne is an occupational therapist with over 30 years of experience in the management of scarring and oedema following traumatic injuries, burns and surgery.

She has run her private practice specialising in scarring and oedema for over 20 years and has extensive experience in treating both adults and children with scarring and oedema.  Her experience has been within both the private and public sectors, including clinical practice, research, teaching and training.

Angela is a credentialed private practitioner to the Professor Stuart Pegg Adult Burns Centre at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital.  She is a lymphoedema trained therapist and uses her background in lymphoedema and acute injury to holistically manage scarring and oedema.  

A clinical lecturer in scar and oedema management at the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Queensland, Angela is also the co-coordinator of the Burns Rehabilitation Course of the Australian and New Zealand Burn Association.

Don’t hold off any longer. Make an appointment today to see us.